1. Priority for use of facilities will be given based on the following:
(a) School functions/school-related groups (defined as a group whose finances are supervised by school administration).
(b) Adult and Community Education Programs
(c) Community/civic groups in a school's attendance area
(d) Community/civic groups outside a school's attendance area
2. A community/civic group is defined as an organized nonprofit group that can prove membership through charter, by-laws, and a list of officers and /or a board of directors. Organizations must have 501(c)(3) status for nonprofit designation.
3. The building use request form must be filled out completely, including all dates, days of the week, and times and submitted to the building principal for approval. Incomplete forms will be denied.
4. Community/civic groups must submit a request ten (10) working days before the scheduled activity.
5. Community/civic groups must hold a certificate of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 to cover the possibility of damage to school property and/or personal injury. The certificate of insurance must be written in the name of the Jefferson County Board of Education and must be uploaded to the event application. The Jefferson County Board of Education, its representatives, agents, or any successor entity, is not responsible for any liability claims which may arise due to participation in activities held in Jefferson County Schools' facilities by outside groups. A certificate of liability must be uploaded to rental requests. Requests without a certificate will not be granted.
6. Community/Civic groups that are requesting an exemption from facility usage fees must fill out the requirement attached to their application.
7. School equipment, such as athletic equipment, audiovisual equipment, etc., is not available for use during approved activities. No school telephone is available for use on-site.
8. Use of facilities during non-custodial hours will require a fee for opening and closing the facility by a custodian. The principal may also designate that a custodian is present during a group activity.
9. The principal may require a cook will be employed when the use of kitchen equipment is requested for food preparation.
10. The principal may require that technical support staff be employed to operate specialized equipment, such as auditorium lighting
11. All personnel required to be employed for the use of a facility will be paid by the Jefferson County Board of Education. Service personnel required to be employed for facility use will receive their appropriate hourly rate determined by wage and hour guidelines. Professional staff will be paid the county rate for supplemental pay.
12. The following fees will be billed to community/civic groups for use of facilities.
$30.00/hour - For each hour custodial staff is required by the principal
$30.00/hour - For each hour cafeteria staff is required by the principal
$30.00/hour - For each hour technical support staff is required by the principal. (add field light - $12.00 per hour use)
$30.00/hour - For each hour supervision is required by the principal
Additional fees may apply (see personnel chart SOP 5.2a and facility usage fee chart SOP 5.2a)
13. All checks are to be made payable to the Jefferson County Board of Education. Fees are to be paid prior to facility use and will be based on the hours of approved use designated on the building use request form. No money is to be paid at the activity. If an organization extends its use beyond the approved time, it will be billed accordingly. Organizations delinquent in paying building use fees will be prohibited from using facilities until all fees are collected.
14. School-related groups will be subject to appropriate fees as necessary.
15. State law prohibits the utilization of school facilities for commercial or private use.
16. School facilities may not be used before 2:00 p.m. on Sundays.
17. All scheduled activities are canceled when schools are closed for inclement weather or for a school holiday.
Tobacco Control Policy
A. This policy shall apply at all times to any building, property or vehicle leased, owned or operated by the Jefferson County Board of Education. This policy shall apply to any private building, or other property including automobiles or other vehicles used for school activities when students and/or staff are present.
B. No person shall distribute or use any tobacco product in any area defined in Section A of this policy at any time.
C. “Tobacco Product” is defined to include but not be limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars or other implement, designed, used or employed for smoking any tobacco product, of any type as well as alternative nicotine products or vapor products and tobacco products that may be placed in the mouth or nose.
D. Individuals supervising students off school grounds are prohibited from distributing or using any tobacco product while in the presence of students or any time while engaged in any activities directly involving students.
E. No school or board property as defined in Section A of this policy, or school or county publication may be used for advertising any tobacco product.
F. Groups using areas described in Section A shall sign agreements with the Board of Education agreeing to comply with this policy and to inform students, parents, and spectators that this policy remains in force on evenings, weekends, and other times that school is not in session.
II. Prevention
A. K-12 curriculum shall include required prevention education
components as identified in WVDE Policies on Health Education and Safe and Drug-Free School guidelines
III. Implementation
A. Every school in the county school district shall have a Tobacco Control Policy that meets the stipulations of this policy and adheres to the following guidelines. This policy serves as school policy except where the need for school-level procedures or measures is indicated. Compliance is mandatory. Schools may impose additional strategies and restrictions not outlined in county policy provided they meet the tenets and intent of the county policy.
B. Administration: Administration procedures for dealing with tobacco are the responsibility of all county and school administrators as follows:
1. It is the responsibility of each school administrator to implement provisions of this policy within their schools, specifically education, communication, and enforcement provisions as outlined in this policy.
2. It is the responsibility of each school to develop clear procedures for identification, intervention, and referral of students with tobacco-related problems to the school counselor, school nurse or other identified health professionals. These procedures should be included in the student and staff handbooks.
3. It is the responsibility of each school to maintain an environment for students, staff, and visitors that presents no physical harm, discomfort or unsanitary condition resulting from tobacco product use.
IV. Enforcement
A. Students
1. First Offense: Notice to parents, one day in-school suspension, completion of an educational activity related to health hazards associated with tobacco use as prescribed by school administration, advised as to availability of cessation classes and referred to law enforcement.
2. Second Offense: Notice to parents, one day in-school suspension, completion of an educational activity related to health hazards associated with tobacco use as prescribed by school administration, recommendation for attendance in a tobacco cessation class at the student's expense and referred to law enforcement.
3. Third and Each Additional Offense: Same as "2" above plus twenty hours of community/school service approved by the school administration and referred to law enforcement.
Failure to complete educational activities, cessation classes and/or community service may result in suspension from school.
1. First Offense: Offenders shall be asked by the school employee who witnesses the incident to cease the use of tobacco products.
2. Repeat Offenders: Repeat offenders shall be notified by certified letter by the school principal that they are banned from all Jefferson County Board of Education property for a period of not less than one year. This letter will be copied to law enforcement.